Monday, July 20, 2020

The Education And Learning Exchange: Condoleezza Rice on the "Deep Visceral Injuries of Enslavement"

The 66th Secretary of State and The Denning Professor in Global Business and the Economy at Stanford University, Condoleeza Rice, joins Paul E. Peterson to discuss how school choice can help lower-income families get more of out the public education system, and how systemic change will be necessary to improve racial equality in America.

Listen to the podcast now.

Rice’s op-ed in the Washington Post,This moment cries out for us to confront race in America,” is available now.

Follow The Education Exchange on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher or here on Education Next.

— Education Next

The post The Education Exchange: Condoleezza Rice on the “Deep Visceral Wounds of Slavery” appeared first on Education Next.

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